Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Gift for your loved ones...

Want some unique gifts for your little friends?

Here is some special order done to please the little hearts when you meet them after a long time.

The goody bags come in handy to keep in lots of small treasures and since they are personalized , nobody else can dare peep into it !!

So the next time you visiting your kins, do take for them some of our personalized gifting options.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Gift Set..

Here is a very cute personalized gift set done for a birthday girl .

The deep pink with bold polkas depict that is not for a kid but a growing up young lady.

The best of the lot is the wall caddy which can hold knick nacks for the girl and add as a decor to the room.

The cushion reaffirms that she is his father's favorite!!

And the pouch is sure to make her friends run to get one for themselves too!!!

I love the set.

When are you ordering one to gift it to someone special.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Cupcakes and Lollies

Yeah such a lip-smacking theme launched for our sweel lil daughters who love to be pampered all the time:-)

The cupcakes and lollies are appliqued with perfect finish on to a pink base,once again a favorite for young girls.

The designs can be personalized to be a bedding just for your kid!!!


Monday, March 12, 2012


Here is an interesting experiment that we had done after which we've come out with these unique placemats which can add so much fun to family dining time.

They are personalized to mark the place of our little darling and will make her or him get to his counter first.

Sizes for the same are 13x18 inches.It is topped with a wipeable waterproof cover for ease of maintainence.

They may also form one of its kind party return gift.You may mail at roshni@littlecharms.net for further query.

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